5-Hour Energy Just Debuted a Caffeinated BBQ Sauce

If you’re bored with getting your caffeine fix from coffee, here’s a new option.  Nothing like a rack of ribs to wake you up.  (???)

5-Hour Energy just unveiled a new product for summer . . . caffeinated BARBECUE SAUCE.

It’s not clear if they’re planning to sell it, but they’re giving away 12-ounce bottles through their website.  (Here’s the link.)

The first drop was yesterday, and they sold out.  But they’re doing three more on July 2nd, July 9th, and July 16th.  So, the next three Tuesdays.

There’s only one flavor, “Peach Mango.”  So if you’re not a fruit-forward person . . . or don’t want your dinner keeping you up at night . . . it may not be for you.

Each serving has 60 milligrams of caffeine, or about as much as a weak cup of coffee.  An average cup has 95, and a can of Coke has 34.

Their press release says it’s part of their plan to “redefine what 5-hour Energy is and can be.”  And they’re excited to be the first energy brand to offer a “caffeinated sauce” that helps you “stay focused and keep the party going.”

(PR Newswire / Food & Wine)

(Here’s a photo.)