What?! Scientists Have Created a Banana That Stays Fresh for 12 Hours After Opening!

Now THIS is what I’m calling science.

Did you know that there’s apparently a department of science devoted to improving BANANAS?  And those heroes DELIVER.

Scientists in the U.K. have created a new banana that stays fresh for 12 hours AFTER being peeled.  So you can put them in a fruit salad . . . and they won’t get brown and mushy.

And even at 24 hours, this new variety will have 30% less browning than a traditional banana.  Everything else is the same.  They have the “same taste, smell, sweetness and texture” . . . just with edited genes.

And that’s SLIGHTLY controversial.

They say it isn’t a GMO because they didn’t introduce any foreign genetic material.  They made changes to the banana’s EXISTING genes by “disabling” the ones that create the enzyme that browns the bananas.

The new bananas will launch later this month in several countries, including the U.S. and Canada.

But coincidentally, they WON’T be available in Britain, where the scientists are based.  At least not yet.  Britain currently bans the sale of genetically-edited plants and fruits.