Woman Removes 6 Of Her Ribs; Wants To Make Crown Out Of Them


What the hell is wrong with people?

Meet Emily James, a Kansas City woman, who spent $17,000 to have six ribs removed in order to achieve a smaller waist.

First of all, how can this type of stuff be legal…and if it is legal, what doctor is doing it and why are they allowed to keep their license? Remember, we have 24 ribs, 12 on each side, so she took 3 off of each side.

Now, as crazy as that may sound, it’s not the craziest part of the story. The craziest part is what Emily wants to now do with those ribs. She wants to turn them into a crown to wear!

I asked earlier and I’m asking again, what the hell is wrong with people?

Emily says she has had offers to make her ribs into chew toys for her dogs or boil them down into bone broth, but I mean let’s be honest…that’s just crazy. ;-)

She’s gotten a lot of hate online, but Emily is ignoring the haters and living her life the way she sees fit.

Beware, if you decide to Google anything about Emily - you’ll likely see pics of her ribs because she’s very proudly displaying them on social media for the world to see.